Team Dynamics and Collaboration is the action of working with someone to produce or create something new. Collaborative environments are more inclusive, creative, and productive. Leaders that foster collaboration, often have employees that are more invested and loyal to the business and to the leader. Collaboration allows all team members to be heard, as well as, shares ownership of the project at hand. Collaboration assists in building trust and establishing strong, working relationships with leaders and followers.
As leaders, we're often responsible for building effective teams. To do so, leaders must foster an inclusive and collaborative environment so all members feel valued and appreciated. Throughout my career, I've worked on dozens of teams and the common thread is obvious: influence, motivation, and support. Leaders have the ability to influence others and do so through different leadership styles and approaches. I've found being an authentic leader yields the best results from followers and is the most rewarding approach.
Executive Presentation OGL 355: Leading Organizational Innovation and Change examines the process and theory of strategic management with primary emphasis on situational analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. The artifact I chose highlights this process and examines the future growth possibilities of international railway, Amtrak. As a team, we collaborated, delegated, and challenged each other to bring our best work forward. We also spent time getting to know one another, building relationships and establishing trust to aid in collaboration.
Reflection I included team Dynamics and Collaboration as a competency because often times leaders manage teams. It's important that leaders know how to work on teams if they are to manage them. Throughout my OGL journey, I've worked on many virtual teams and each of them provided a new lesson. I learned how to create a team charter, how to challenge in a respectful way, how to hold myself and others accountable, and how to build and sustain trust. All of which will help me manage my own team while growing their individual capabilities.
Prior to my experiences on virtual teams, I was less collaborative and more task driven. I didn't take time to build trust or establish a team charter. I put more value in completing the work quickly and moving on to the next project. My journey through the OGL program taught me to slow down and focus on people. People are our greatest attribute and what I should be focused on. For my teams now, I spend more time asking questions and listening. I focus on making the team the best it can be and allow the work to reflect their efforts.