Project Management The process of leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given constraints. Project Management involves proper planning of tasks, subtasks, timelines, and contingency plans in order to achieve all goals. The ability to communicate effectively, foster collaboration, and influence others are all valuable skills for Project Managers to posses. As the PM, I’m not only responsible for completing all assignments on time, but providing quality work that reflects my position and reputation. Being a successful PM validates my ability to lead effectively while also managing time, risk, and ambiguity.
Conflict Management The process by which disputes are resolved, where negative results are minimized and positive results are prioritized. Conflict is unavoidable but our reactions to conflict are manageable. Conflict gives us the opportunity to challenge others and the momentum to talk about what matters. When handled correctly, conflict can be productive and aid in terms of creativity and innovation. When we enable conflict, we enable ourselves and others to do our best thinking.
Empathy The ability to understand and share the feeling of another. Being curious, passionate, and empathetic helps build successful teams and effective leaders. Empathy does not come easily to all, but is a competency that can be developed over time. Empathy encourages leaders to be curious and discover the root cause of poor performance, as well as, dive deeply into the development of others. Empathy builds trust and promotes more inclusive environments.
Critical Thinking The process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, and analyzing information gathered from observation, experience, or communication. Critical thinking allows leaders to better understand the impact of their decisions on the people or on the business. Leaders that have strong critical thinking skills are more intentional with their decisions and assess various components before making a decision. As a leader, critical thinking allows me to be more reflective and gives me time to assess the confines of my scope.
Problem Solving The process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. Leaders with creative problem solving skills are able to inspire and challenge others to find new, creative solutions to prominent problems. Effective leaders utilize problem solving skills to identify root causes, implement solutions, and measure results. In essence, all leaders are problem solvers and should encourage their teams to be the same. For it's an effective skill in and outside of the workplace.
Social and Cross-Cultural Skills The ability to effectively interact with others in diverse groups and situations. Leaders should not only embrace but encourage diverse, and inclusive environments. Working in diverse teams broadens our scope and offers new, different perspectives other than our own. Diverse teams increase innovation, challenge group think, and contribute to better decision quality. As leaders, we need to promote equity and create systems that explore, celebrate, and embrace culture.
Team Dynamics and Collaboration The action of working with someone to produce or create something new. Collaborative environments are more inclusive, creative, and productive. Leaders that foster collaboration, often have employees that are more invested and loyal to the business and to the leader. Collaboration allows all team members to be heard, as well as, shares ownership of the project at hand. Collaboration assists in building trust and establishing strong, working relationships with leaders and followers.